
“導師大講堂”第二十三講:Development of Low Cost Electro-catalysts for Advanced Fuel Cells and Green Hydrogen Production from Water/Seawater Electrolyser (用于燃料電池和電解水制綠氫的低成本電催化研發)

講座時間:2023-08-28 10:30:00
講座地點:bevictor伟德官网 A213
主講人簡介:林文鋒,教授,英國拉夫堡大學東亞特使(University Special Envoy for East Asia)、化學工程系研究主任、化學工程終身講席教授、 英國皇家化學會(RSC)會士(Fellow)、英國工程和物理研究基金 會(EPSRC)首席研究員。林教授在廈門大學攻讀博士期間,在 田昭武、孫世剛和田中群三位院士指導下,出色地作出了探索性 的譜學電化學和量子電化學相結合的開創性研究,在能源電催化 和燃料電池領域取得了一系列創新成果。林教授和諾貝爾化學獎 得主 Gerhard Ertl 教授合作并獲得德國洪堡基金會和馬普學會基 金資助,共同發表多篇高水平、高被引原創研究論文。林教授在 氫能源、燃料電池、能源電催化、高溫原位紅外技術等基礎科學 與工程應用方面有深厚造詣,并對低碳能源化學、化工、材料等 多學科交叉領域前沿基礎研究、技術開發和工程應用上有前瞻性 的發展戰略眼光,多次獲英國和歐盟創新及重點項目資助。

    Electro-catalysis plays a key role in electrochemical energy conversion technologies such as fuel cells and water/seawater electrolysis for green hydrogen production. Liquid fuel cells such as direct methanol/(bio-)ethanol fuel cells have been regarded as a promising alternative for the power supply for portable and automotive applications thanks to their simplicity of using directly liquid fuels in the feed. Thefundamental key challenge in the advanced direct fuel cell and seawater electrolyser is to rationally design efficient, stable and low-cost catalysts. An insight into the structure-reactivity and structure-selectivity relationships is the prerequisite to the effective design of the desirable high-performance electrocatalysts. In this talk, recent progress on the development of low-cost electrocatalysts for both advanced direct fuel cells and seawater electrolyser for green hydrogen production will be reported. Fundamental studies have been performed, employing combined electrochemical in-situ FTIR spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) atomistic modeling, to understand the reaction mechanism and structure-reactivity relationships of a series of low-cost model and practical nano-catalysts, unsupported and supported on various substrates such as oxides and carbides. The effects of supports and electrode structures on catalyst layers towards alcohol oxidation and water/seawater splittingreactions (hydrogen evolution reaction and oxygen evolution reaction) have been demonstrated.
